Meet the Zep Tepi... that is the tower that resonates synchromisticaly the first time - the Zero Point .....
This is the symbol for the god Aker. It signifies the horizon, the point where night turns to day, where day turns to night - Zero Point or Zep Tepi. It is depicted as two lions seated back to back, facing away from each other. They are also called Yesterday and Tomorrow, as one lion faces towards the east where the sun rises and begins the new day, the other lion faces west where the sun sets and descends into the Underworld. Aker also guards the gate to the Underworld and opens it for the King to pass through. We also find this pattern on the breastplate of the Sphinx and represents duality.
The tower is in Belgrade (city where i live) and is located in the section named Block 33 ... As you can see it has the Zepter neon light sign advertisement on the top.. a company owned by the second richest Serbian man Philip Zepter...(its not his real name). So Zepter sync to Zep Tepi and the 33 degree freemasonic connection is so obvious.
Zep Tepi is Genesis. Zep means Time. Tepi means First. Together they are the 'First Time' or the Golden Age (Alchemy) where the gods moved through the Void and created the grid of our reality.
Or maybe word commercial sync to a coming of the end ... or as some tend to look at this through sex prism - cumming , in that way of thought.. its not clear to me and I wonder is this one great giant goddess vagina...:) , or are these great testicles of god... maybe Seth- for whom legend says that Horus cut them of in the battle...
In time when i was starting to prepare this article 17/18 Feb. here in my country was dominating news story of a Hungarian man castrating himself on the very north town Subotica - Saturday /Saturn city.
This Star Gate to the Zero point is closely linked with the creation, and universe, point of the cosmic peace in a yet another synch - very near the tower are some graffiti walls... where is written word Svemir... which means universe, space.. or AllPeace.
One reason why I write about this building is that I was born in this masonic 33 Block near the Zep Tepi...well, to be correct not exactly born -this i did in hospital away from there ;), but I lived for the first 4 years of my life around there and i remember this building well engraved in my child's mind...
The tower could fit in the category of H pillars..this is from sync wiki:
H Pillars are a type of pillarmid which consists of two towers which are connected in the middle giving it the appearance of the letter H. Sometimes the letter H itself is used to represent two pillars, such as in the logo for the movie Manhattan, by Woody Allen.
The letter H is the eighth in the English alphabet, thus resonating with the octagon.
Genex building is the Gene Isis, has address number 53 which is 8 , G8 and it syncs with infinity theme 8 .... and hourglass.....The street name, translated in english would be -Folk's Heroes /Horus...
Hourglass -- pyramids light cones pic from Zep Tepi article at crystal links... Orion stargate.
The zepter logo Z on the north sides of the structure resembles - Hourglass and 8
And of course, there is 8 sync in the octagonal gate... which you could notice at the top of the building below the round disk.
Above this Star g8 on the top crown is supposed to be a revolving restaurant.. but it is out of work officially for some reason.. and i don't remember if it was ever working, i never entered this building... so god knows who is now dwelling in there...or what
On the Genesis building, there are a lot of advert banners placed and changing over the time on the south part... mostely some giant woman pics and bluish logo picture has 3 flowers.. of life.. lillies royal logo, and that pic above recently I taken in these snowy winter has 3 bottles....
Mercury is connected to the Gemini constellation.. and funny these are kind of twin towers.
77 /crowley...
Thoth also could synch with president of the country at the time similarly named - Tito (Josip Broz) so heis two in one. He was one masonic dictator who ruled from end of WW2 till his death in 1980... and i must say ruled very badly to the likings of most Serbian people, although it was peaceful time, seemingly while he let thousands Albanians into Serbian accient land Kosovo/Cosmos over the reigning years, preparing ground for all the wars in the region over the years. And still many theories about going on about him as freemason taking the false identity of dead war soldier , being Hazarian jew etc. and i remember someone mentioning the existance plot of resurrecting him...
cuboid twin tower gate...a weird area near where music concerts started to be held from recently a diabolic and mystical Rolling Stones played there and MMadonna will perform.. also another tall structural gate hexagonal one.
The earthly creator of this arc was the MM guy - Mihajlo Mitrović the architect.
This now is edited sentence and pics after a month passed - new monkey zepter sync :
u see a street performer in front of Zepter headquaters in the city main street.. with a monkey on his shoulder- didnt get clear shot of monkey... but i think it looks like this kind?!
This is Youtube video of Genex Tower parachute „Base jump“ that strangely was performed on 9/11 ...year 2007... or more correctly this video was uploaded on that same day..... (not sure exactly about the date, and not clear in the news archives was it 8 or 9 at weekend)....but i think it is related to 9/11 (Twin Towers fall (demolition)).
The Genex is mostly a normal small office and residential building...or maybe "they" want you to think so... when i look at the top.. i could feel some beings living up there and watching us... Now I sound like Samuel L. Jackson in "Caveman's Valentine" movie call me crazy. Anyway i' ll be keeping an eye on the news syncs about it.
And here is the live camera view... but beware... day after i had shown this to Hidden Dakini she run into trouble with the law.... so revealing this secret places of masonic strongholds could be dangerous ;
In fact for this Zepi sync I am greatly thankful to Jenn /Gen.. it was when i show her picture of this strange building... she connected the Zepter sign to Zep Tepi .
So again, directly from the gates of zero point:controlable camera, just dont break it ;0
I have looked for some Zep resonating words.. and there is the Ray Gun.. which has the Zzzzap sound /Zep ...
My previous post was about Isis Iron Maiden and their mascot Eddie...we see here his ray gun Zapping... unzipping...the Zep Tepi.. opening the gates of the first time... with their tour "somewhere back in time"
The picture of RayGun I found on TooLongInThisPlace blogspot of Wise Woman who also has some Egyptian syncs, and her country where she is located the New Zealand.
Zepp is the name of the character in the SAW movies that i was synching in my previous posts... much known Hello Zepp melody from SAW was written by CC =33 guy..
There could also be Zebra and Valis connection.
Also i run in this synchs on the Zebron, it could be some sync point to me as the first one , so i dont know is this some myth or just a beautiful story, but it seems I had to reunite with my lost Alexandra.. Zebron and AleXandra .
The story synchs with First God and Goddess, Man and Woman which are in the hermetic Alchemy a double headed eagle/phoenix.. , the Rebis an androgyne, also sync to Ying/Yang, Adam and Eve (ribs) , Hunab Ku God of Mayans,a gate to Galactic center.
33=CC/Christ Counsciousness -- cc cc
This post and story of Zep Tepi (which i recommend everyone to read) coincide with day of premiere of much awaited in the sync realm movie. "Watchman" - so i think this mention of watchers here has some importance.
During the fabled First Time, Zep Tepi, when the gods ruled in their country, they said it was a golden age during which the waters of the abyss receded, the primordial darkness was banished, and humanity, emerging into the light, was offered the gifts of civilization.They spoke also of intermediaries between gods and men called the Urshu, a category of lesser divinities whose title meant 'the Watchers'. And they preserved particularly vivid recollections of the gods themselves, puissant and beautiful beings called the Neteru who lived on earth with humankind and exercised their sovereignty from Heliopolis and other sanctuaries up and down the Nile.
Some of these Neteru were male and some female but all possessed a range of supernatural powers which included the ability to appear, at will, as men or women, or as animals, birds, reptiles, trees or plants. Paradoxically, their words and deeds seem to have reflected human passions and preoccupations. Likewise, although they were portrayed as stronger and more intelligent than humans, it was believed that they could grow sick - or even die, or be killed - under certain circumstance."
The ancient Egyptians left records describing the Zep Tepi as actual historic peoples who were very advanced and came to the Nile valley from the south and proceeded to civilize and rule over the native peoples. This group of people known as Zep Tepi were survivors of disaster in their former home and sought safety and a new life in the Nile valley. It is they, according to the Egyptian records that built the Great Sphinx and the Pyramid complex at Giza.
- Graham Hancock - Fingerprints of the Gods
I just now realized that star symbol * asterisk on my keyboard is above the number 8 at the same key.... didnt give much thought on keyboards before... did someone else discovered this star g8... probably...
my keyboard has 6 rays star.. * and i am typing it now.. and i see in asterisk wiki there is a 5 pointed star.. so I dont know does everyone has same keybord defaults.. and does he see now 5 or 6 ?!... anyways, the key resembles or Flower of life.. or it could be related to Merkabah, the chariots of acension to eternity.
I'll be clickin it now to ascend higher... 888***888***888*** lol ... Funny the LoL syncs with Aker lions and this Zep building. lol could be 101 or maybe 707 as LOL the A.Crowley 77... but i think the 101 gate has something to do with leo and gemini relation.. maybe Galactic Center... or Sirius.. i dont understand astrology well yet .
8 is in the Tarot card of Lions... Strenght.. connecting lions to the 8 street number and octagon gate of the Genex building and making the 88 which is HH.
Actually ... i think 77= Z =8 . And in Serbian cyrilic alphabet the Z is eight letter, so Z sync with 8... Tarot deck has 78 cards.
peace, love and light to all... be weLL.