When i decided to write this post i was hoping to research and discover the ultimate internet and PC conspiracy, but i have to say I really didn't yet found what it's all about (if there is any conspiracy at all ;) ...so i may later in time update the post... Anyhow i will post some findings that may lead us into the wright way much closer to the truth, a way in which i will express some different perspective on the syncs, without any intent to input to you this views.
As soon as computers and internet become available to a large number of population, with Microsoft creation of Windows software XP (Chi Ro), and Apple Mac (snake of Eden) something was suspicious about them... Internet represented a new era of connecting people, a big dimensional leap in evolvement in consciousness of all human kind, but what was the price we payed for that.
Beside the well known theory of www = 666 (in Hebrew, it is number of the beast)... there are seemingly performed some alchemical rituals in most popular internet sites..like Myspace, YouTube etc...

Most people nowdays are using to connect an internet - ADSL which surely is resonating LSD and Orange sunshine ....So in some way we all are on that substance and we use the computers Operating System ! OZ.

This orange color could be leading to the opening of global second orange chakra...or... sun is orange at down and sunset.. but in this magickal realm it resonates with dawn thus with the Crowley's occult Hermetic Order of Golden Dawn.

Orange RSS feed is 1/4 of sun symbol ...
Orange Blogger symbol.... and Firefox

Image Image

It'S a G.. G for the Gold Gate.

YouTube subscribe button is orange ..

Amazon orange arrow pointing to OZ...


and there are many, many more sites, apps....on the net with masonic symbols...

The Internet is now according to this site 25 years old in 2012 will be 29 -->11

Lately the Widescreen monitors had become very popular and are said to in future totally suppress standard 4:3 monitors,
4:3 ratio to 16:9 and again both adds up to 7 = 77 - AL, but 7 may could point to opening of crown chakra, or the 7th seal...
Or does this wideness point to more material ego earthly focused dimension of consciousness expl. as you can find in the Orthodox Christian Churches there are a lot of icons of saints etc. and they are almost all in the portrait form.. more vertical towards the heavens... differently then monitor wide screeen which is now more horizontal thus limiting human ascension.
Also you then have people in acknowledging way moving their head up and down , but with widescreen head goes no no .... Maybe Greeks only may dissagree with this because in their country left/right means Yes -- up/down means No.

The widescreen revolution is now backed by YouTube widescreen new looks...
and it gives the most videos now the two pillars look(masonic)

Couple days ago before this change this syncnificantly colored BWR site had organized one global mega ritual.."YouTube live" /evil.... sponsored by Lionsgate...
i will not try elaborate much on this , cos i only watched it about 15 minutes, but in this period i saw many weird stuff...most strange was cartoon episode somehow very popular youtube video - Charlie The Unicorn.

Where it could be pointing-- the Unicorn-opening third eye.., in there was opening of pink stargate ..may as well resonate with Galactic Centre.. and then Rickrollingal Rick Astley like some galactic serpent lizard coming out... and this unicorns in one scene could be seen on masonic checkerboard.
Charlie... could it be Charlie Manson sync :)

Another perspective on this that youtube.live was with this oppening a stargate through Lions gate.. which then is transformed into two pillars in video box, as we are are being sucked in through it..
Aker Sef and Duau of Aker

Youtube has been lately removing a lots of videos, most copyrighted musical ones... its one step in new order of mind control -- fight against internet censorship!!

MySpace was always weird place..where you have the strangely anoying Rants banner in the profile leading to this pic where appers to be phoenix rising above Twin Towers..


http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fu ... =233114526

and look at the girl in top friends named "rachel".. checker board simbol behind her.
This two guys may think that this conspiracies are funny but i think that things could be much more sinister than that.
http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fu ... d=15887597

His name Tom, is probably something about invoking the Gospel of Thomas.
From this source http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gospel_of_Thomas " Didymus (Greek) and Thomas (Hebrew) both mean twin, mirroring, so we have 9/11 twin towers analogy, and mirror Alice gateway into a new dimension.

And dna rainbow serpent looking google stargate, In the Gmail service recently were introduced weird funny square cuboid smileys.... (of course G the masonic symbol)

At the end of post i am revealing the true antichrist who is born on
6 February 1966

The date of writing this post is November 12. ... it's birthday of
Charles Manson -- http://www.mansondirect.com/ --happy b'day to him.

Now this is the news from 11.11.2008.
, one very synchromystical date about the event on 10.11 night

Serb who hijacked U.S. plane in 1979 dies
BELGRADE, Serbia - Nikola Kavaja, who hijacked a U.S. passenger jet in 1979 with the intention of crashing it into Yugoslav Communist Party headquarters, has died.
Kavaja claimed in a number of interviews with Serbia's newspapers that Osama bin Laden must have stolen his idea of crashing jets into tall buildings during the 9/11 attack in New York and Washington.
But terrorism experts said Tuesday they doubted his claim,...

His last name is K. and first has a K in it... if that could count synchromysticaly... he was 2k/11:11 resonator, and died on the eve of 11.11 and adding to this a 9/11 connection - it is very synchnificant event...and mirroring timeline for 2012.
But more striking thing - this tower (ex headquarters of communist party) is 2k... it was called here - CK (Central Commitee). This Belgrade tower today has HYPO (bank) neon blue light sign on top... it is clearly some kind of stargate...

During the US led NATO monstrous bombings in 1999 building was damaged by plane missile...and their target in there were TV stations with K sounding names:
Kosava,Sos Kanal,BKTV,Pink. (talk about freedom of media speech?!)
Image Imagehttp://www.svetlost.co.yu/arhiva/2001/324/324-4.jpg

ok. i am just showing the towers lately in my posts, because i am sick of watching pictures of New York Twin Towers all the time, there are others too. ;)

Christmas day 2008 :idea:

Plans exist for a second twin building, construction should be complete by 2010.

This American company is part investor in this buildings, it has a bull logo..., i don't excatly know what could this signify...maybe a zodiac sign.. nevertheless they are much suspicious.
Merrill Lynch & Co.

It's funny and strange that after all this time of synching i have just now noticed that i use a SyncMaster monitor.. by Samsung -- so the word Sync is constantly standing in front of my eyes...while i do syncing . Maybe monitor in the first place did brought me through some mysterious ways to this synchromystical dimension.


Very soon I am going to buy a new TFT-LCD monitor, but the problem is that it seems like all the monitor brands are under Illuminati watchful eye, all their names and the logos are sounding and looking to much esoteric and masonic. So which to buy..
SamSUNG ... LG ...etc. etc. The meaning of the Korean word Samsung is "tristar" or "three stars". Three star gate... of Orion?! and LG LuckyGolden star gate known to be connected to the GodLike prediction of NY 9/11 Twin Towers fall.

Both Samsung and LG are involved in some Twin Towers of their own.
Samsung constructed Tower 1 of the Petronas Twin Towers in Malaysia, the world's tallest twin buildings.
-Samsung also constructed the Taipei 101 in Taiwan, the world's tallest completed skyscraper and constructing the world's tallest building, the Burj Dubai in the UAE.

LG Twin Towers...Beijing --- LG Twin Towers.... Korea
Interestingly it looks like they both are a part of something like 11:11 2k twining stargate ritual.. also LG Display and Samsung Electronics are in a heated competition to be the number one supplier of liquid crystal displays; they were each credited with a 22% market share as of April 2006.

So anyway, if any of you readers of this blog possibly do own a Samsung monitor from the SyncMaster series...and suddenly magically stumble upon this post.. please report the synchronicity ;)

My soon to be gone monitor reminds on the movie Electric Dreams , from 1984
about talking computer/monitor...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ek08KvgqFGM -trailer
My Syncy became in time the part of my mind.. and was controlling me and wishing to rule the world through me.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLgI6vS_NSw - excellent song from the film -as farewell to Syncy.

:D7 the SyncMaster

I was talking in the previous posts about the date Oct. 29.. as one highly influential date...nothing globaly big didn't happend...and that if you are not counting the 215 dead in earthquake in pakistan.. and Phillies winning the world series against Rays. In this post it all over again synchs with baseball and Saw movies.

Phillies won deciding delayed game 5 with the score 4-3 to take the 'world' series..

http://www.philly.com/philly/hp/sports/ ... pions.html

After 28 years, and two days of waiting for the rain to stop so that Game 5 of the World Series could resume, the wait is over.

The Phillies are the champions.

Pedro Feliz singled in pinch-runner Eric Bruntlett with the tiebreaking run in the seventh inning, and Brad Lidge finished up a perfect year out of the bullpen by closing in the ninth to lift the Phillies to a 4-3 victory over the Tampa Bay Rays tonight at Citizens Bank Park.

The Phillies won all three games at the Bank to clinch the best-of-seven series, four games to one, and win their first World Series title since 1980. The fourth victory was the most difficult since the game had been suspended Monday night because of a cold, windblown rain after 51/2
innings with the score tied at 2.

The Phillies reminds me on Michael Phelps swimmer of Olympics...

Previously writings about baseball and also Saw the first movie release of Oct. 29.
seems that fit with the signs pointing to Philadelphia Phillies...winning.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOBDXe6f ... re=related

At the end play Phillies pitcher number 54 Lidge striked out the Rays 32 (5)
this pic has his hands like V / Saw sequel 5 ...realesed on 24.Oct


So about the movie ...it comes with lots of cubic traps.. boxes, throat slayed, beheadings.. has mention of guy named Seth--
At the end the walls closing in and smashing the detective... and that actor Scott Patterson was born on the September 11, 1958 in the ..... guess where....... Philadelphia, Pennsylvania !!!

Their mascot Phanatic... must be a Pan resonator...


Phillies eliminated previosly Wally the Green Monster - mascot of the Red Sox... who didn't make it to the world series, on the 19.th they reached the wall, and were stoped by Blue devil ray.

as above so below

This SAW 5film synchs with movie Wall-E,
This robot WALL-E is not only like Johnny 5...


but he also looks like the robot from the 80's series...

Benji, Zax & the Alien Prince

Image Image

Zax was the robot-droid. In the script there is galactic tyrant Zenu..
maybe its connected to Xenu and Scientology.

And most important connection - Johnny 5 and WALL - E as we found before V=5=E that all leads to SAW 5 released October 24.

If you turn your head left-down.. letter W in the poster becomes E...
And of course in the W you can see the Twin Towers .. 11
Billy the puppet on the trycicle.. synchs with the robot.


In the SAW movie ending scene..(spoiler up ahead;) the iron walls are closing in and crushing the Fbi agent (actor born on 9/11)... this walls are resonating the Wall-E ... now i watch only the half of the movie (it was little boring, childish so i fell asleep;) but what i have seen thus far.. the Wall-e puts the stuff in his "stomach" and in synchronistic way of that Saw wall crushing it he recycles them in the cube.
WALLE.. sounds like E-VIL :evil: and also Eve, but maybe backwards its. WALL- LOVE or LAW.. (in Serbian pronouncing WALLE equals LOVES.)

Wall-e has triangle wheels... same like Billy the puppet tricycle
You could also see Wall-e has the infamous masonic b&w arms.. and letter E is written in red.


And SAW movie is full with the cuboid traps = wall-e's cuboid body. So this two movies are lot alike!
Puzzle fitting:


Now in this ending scenes of SAW 5...lieutenant Hoffman - Costas Mandylor.. escapes that wall room in the box glass coffin - so he will be in 6th sequel next year. Costas is from Australia. He is another C.M. = MC/MK - Mind control slave.


One screenshoot from SAW --cover of magazine with mercury and jigsaw killer... (maybe below mercury is some date... i didn't get clear shoot, so if someone could find pic with better focus...)

Also worth noticing in SAW 5 there was decapitations of both hands -- which coincide with lots of other hands offings lately writen about.

So as i was mentioning Red Sox mascot Wally is Green -- and they are red team.. so strangely is same case with Phillies a red team - green mascot...

It may all be connected to the Philadelphia experiment as the final games of series were at the same 28-29 period...
The Philadelphia Experiment was an alleged naval military experiment at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, sometime around October 28, 1943, in which the U.S. destroyer escort USS Eldridge was to be rendered invisible (i.e. a cloaking device) to human observers for a brief period. It is also referred to as Project Rainbow.

So WallE - SAW5- Phillies are likely to be creating some box cuboid teleporting/time travel stargate...Saw original air date Oct 29 -Philadelphia experiment Oct 29 and Phillies through cuboid stargate resurected them selves to win the champions title.

Talking about boxes i stumbled on this site... box recycling ritual.

Another cuboid from in these Halloween days is the YouTube blue/green logo... which synchs with ending of Saw5..where Tobin Bell on the tape recorder narrates - this would be forever your tomb.. So basically it reveales that YouTube is acctualy Your Tombstone and you are in the cube tomb .. oO


The blue-green
Actress Mila Kunis is known to have different eye colors.. blue/green.. :shock:Image

And synchingly i found here she talks being on the Dodgers - Phillies baseball play-off game... - i was writing on other topic about Phillies... weird.

She stars in the newly Max Payne movie.. together with Marky Whalberg. They are both 2k resonators:
Marky Mark - Mark Wahlberg --- MM / MWM (Most Worshipful Master)
Mila Kunis- Milena Markovna "Mila" Kunis -MM / MK ( Mind Kontrol- MKultra)

In other movie syncs - this one scene with
Valkyrie... looks to me much like this flag of the Holy Roman Emperor...


In the movie is constantly raining... but in the end scene ,of course, the sun comes up.
Here is the masonic checkerboard floor in the beginning scenes...

ps. i played the Max Payne pc game before.. and never could imagine those two actors to be Max and Mona.

As i am writng this on the day of 2008 presidental elections in USA ... latest media event regarding this was 11.3.2008 the death of Obama grandmother ... and her name was - Madelyn Payne Dunham ... Mad Max movie -- Max Payne -- curious things.

mirroring images of obama and billy the puppet -- b-w ..blue-red
poster of Saw --- movie Mirrors end hand scene...

